I was looking forward to this one .. last year Bluehorses played here it was great and got such a fantastic response for the crowd .. and it was going to be live Live (not "messed" with but straight off the stage) on radio Caroline. The only drawback was the early start time, added to this we had also offered to film The Reasoning who were on stage at 12 noon, which meant we had to get organised at first light (not easy with two teenagers in tow)!
So with the girls asleep in the back of the van I set off before the Saturday crowds (no real problems with traffic until the M25 - but then that was to be expected). Before you know it we were approaching the site, guided by the wind turbine, we were soon in the car park. I am sure that Katie and Steph both think that the drive is easy to all these shows, because they spend most of the journeys asleep!.
The venue had not opened yet so it gave us a great opportunity to look around at the hall before everyone came in. there was plenty of space, with the concrete floor covered in a green carpet. The stage had changed a little and I think was a little further forward, but basically operated on the same principle, one on stage the next preparing behind the curtain, at change over the drum risers were swapped and the backline changed over, but it was all on the same level so no stairs to negotiate Wink
We bumped into Mr Rich and his lovely wife Linda as they were picking up their tickets and caught up on a number of things, but i had to be careful not to spoil the surprise to come later !! so I was a bit
After a quick chat with Matt about what to expect we were ready and waiting the changeover. The girls were either side of the stage and I had the sound desk (from experience of last year, my tripod had a modification - a 2 foot tent pole gaff taped to each leg - this gave it more height to get over everyones heads Smile ). As The Reasoning started Andy rushed in and added his camera - he had been slightly delayed on-route but soon caught up.

All this happened while "Stray" were on stage; as soon as their last notes were dying away, there was a mass of bodies all over the stage, manovering drum risers, and changing back line boxes. Very quickly this dissolved away to just the sound guys running around checking all the mic connections. The girls were off to the "Pit" - just in front of the stage - with a set of cameras, and I retreated to the sound desk with another. By the time the cameras were set up and ready, the finishing touches were being applied on stage and we were ready to go.
A brief introduction to radio land and the band burst into "Blackleg Miner", swiftly followed by "Witch in Wedlock". From where I was standing there was just a sea of people bouncing up and down, and although it calmed down to a sway during the quiet bits of "Gravel Walk" and "Ostara", by the time this morphed into "Morrisons' Jig" they were back bouncing again.

Lizzie, at this point, sprung a carefully laid trap and embarrassed Mr Rich on international radio ... it had been his birthday a few days before and it definitely needed celebrating - I'm glad I did not give the game away earlier *Wink*
"Hen" brought back the bouncing, which continued through "Night Visit" and very soon time was running out, and there was only one tune left - "hoedown".
As we then rushed to reverse the stage manouvers and clear away the equipment, the cds and dvd were tumbling out of the boxes with people prepared the be separated from their hard earned cash .. if you missed out or wished later you had purchased more, then they are all available from the web shop (quick plug).

So short week this as its off to Peterborough on Thursday - definitely a "work form home" day and then bank holiday weekend in the lake district - we are fingered crossed that the rain moves away.