Andy's Gig diary - Flowerpot Derby May 2007

If its Friday, then its got to be the Flowerpot, first show of 2007 and first show for all round nice geezer Rhayne.

Its been to long since the last Bluehorses show, everybody will agree on that one, but trust me, its been nothing but hard work over at Bluehorse Towers. The work on the new album is paying off, and when it comes out, your going to be treated to the best studio album ever to grace the Bluehorses logo. The material so far is just miles ahead of anything done before, but still keeping that Bluehorses magic and feel.

The other thing thats kept them on their toes, was the hunt for a new full time bass player. He was finally caught, and locked away in the lower levels of Bluehorse Towers until he finally had the set for tonight sussed. A fine job he did as well.

The show started off with Cabbage Train. Nic, Jay and Rhayne were all wearing black kilts and New Rocks (they wouldnt soil their socks with anything else) Lizzy as always looked stunning, for a change she went

Witch In Wedlock was next up Dya, Billy Boy, Gravel Walk, Blackleg, all the regular favs. Plenty of happy looking faces on and off the stage, all having a blast.

Ostara, Bigger Gun, Barara Allen, Sitting Pretty, Haslams Bits, Skyclad and Big White Telelephone brought the main part of the show to an end. The band then finished off with Twmbalwm. Some rather juicy bass sounds here......had to retrieve my filling several times from Stans pint.

A great night and, and Rhayne im sure was relieved. He was welcomed by everybody and looked like he had been in the band for years.

Didnt take to long to get packed away, we were soon back on th.e road and off into the Derbyshire nightime in search of that nights hotel. A great start to the years gigs, and for what looks like an excellent year for shows