I was picked up in the morning by Stan. A dry start to the journey, but by the time we hit Oxford the sky decided to empty its bowels for the next 12 hours. As we got into the Luton area it was getting extremely dodgy flooding in certain areas. However, we battled on.
We got to the festival site and the track from the main gate to the back stage was across two fields via a very, wet, muddy dip. We nearly got to the parking area but had to push the last 20 meters till we got more grip on the grass.
Mike was the first to find us, we then found Nic, Jay and Rhayne taking shelter in Bluehorse One, Lizzy n Hev were checking out the stage and bar.....ok, they were checking out the bar.
There was no backstage area, nowhere to really get sorted/changed or just shelter for the bands, so we just made the best of it. Spending a fare bit of time guzzling coffee, chatting and hiding under any available shelter. I didnt take any pics of the conditions, but i regret it now.

We finally got the call that we could start unloading into the backstage area........there was just no room for two bands, crews, festival staff etc, so it got very cramped to stack the gear up, and the downpour of rain and strong winds just made it all that little bit more awkward. Still, we managed with team work.
As soon as the band on stage finished, the frenzy started. They got all their gear off as quick as we piled ours on to any available space. Drum kit first, then every man and woman for themselves. Its actually a very well oiled machine and the band can get set up no problem despite any rush or lack of space.
The sound was a problem, so getting the sound correct before the set started was a problem. However, the show kicked off in true Bluehorse style.

The set itself was more or less te same as Derby, with a couple of tracks short due to time avalable to play. Im sure Mike will be able to remind us what the set list was at some point.
The band as always delivered the goods, and offered something different to the rest of the bands on stage that day. Of course they went down well, and the crowd loved every second. It was a Bluehorse set after all. Bluehorses are one of the countrys top festival bands and tonight showed why, providing a soaking wet crowd with 90 mins of live exellence.

By the time we had to get off stage the wind had picked up even stronger, so it made putting all the gear away even more of a battle.
The end of show goodbyes and chats always take longer than the show itself, but tonight, since porta loos were swimming down the festival site, and trade stands were blowing away and heading towards Oslo, we thought it was best to just get out of the festival site and onto the main road. We were thankful for the awaiting tractor who was there to pull everybody out of the field.

On the whole, despite the weather conditions, the festival itself was great fun, and a huge success for the Bluehorses.
Cant blame the festival for the wind and rain. If it wasnt for festivals like this the world would be a dull place. These people take a financial risk to put on a festival for the crowds and for the bands who all benefit from it. So a big thanks to them. Also we should raise our hats to the great British attitude......we payed our money....were here to have fun, and no rain or mud will stop us......love it, an attitude showed by the 800 people who made it to the festival. It all adds to the fun and memory.
It will be great to look back at the film footage done by main man Mike. Not sure if Mike got any of the rain and mud on film.
Anyway, we all got out of there in once piece. I went back with Nic n Lizzy, we waited till everybody got out, then made our way home via the odd stop for coffee and fuel. We just made it to Cheltenham before all our eyes were about to drop shut. We guzzled more coffee, then crashed out.
As always, its great to spend time everybody, i just hope the next show in Spratton has much better weather.
Thanks again