Another year gone, another Chrsitmas theme, and yet another dress to buy. However, this year i get away with a kilt. Nic, Jay, Mike and myself all had proper kilts of course. Rob was going for the Mark Bolan/Justin Hawkins look. It has to be said that the backstage area before the gig looked rather suspect. Half dressed men fighting for space to put on skirts, Stan having make up put on and Lizzie supping her Diamond White in fluffy pink.

Mike and myself both had the same wigs and beards, however, Mike had a different idea on where to put his wig, either that, or he had a serious bikini line problem or a grizzly bears arse was hanging out of his pants.

I was actually unsure if my kilt was going to fit, id given my measurements to Nic over the phone who ordered them from a shop in Edinburgh...none of your tat. However, the room was cramped, so i went out into King street and stripped off in a shop doorway. Poor Sid the sound guy copped an eye full of me in nothing but my welsh flag shorts...he needed a strong drink bless him.

The venue itself was packed out as always, a a few had turned up in fancy dress. Rach and Paul were there at the front dressed in the spirit of tonights theme, as were a few other of our regular friends at the Flowerpot.

As always, Cabbage Train started the show, and the dancing and jumping rom the front started off straight away. Witch in Wedlock soon followed up much to the joy of the crowd who sang along.
Dya, Billy Boy, Ostara all had an airing, Haslams Bits kept the bouncy people at the front bouncing away. The mighty Skyclad followed...a great live track.

Night Visit, Sitting Pretty,Gravelwalk was followed by Bluehorses live classic Hoedown.
When the band returned it was time to go the prize for best fancy dress. Lizzy n Nic did the choosing and gave out the prizes.

Rach got first prize and got a copy of the DVD.
the night came to a close with Dark Circle and of course...Twmbarlwm .
The fans had a corking night. It was really hot and sweaty, and everyone really got into the spirit of it all.
After the band had left the stage they soon came out to say hello to the fans. Then it was backstage and time to pack up.
Some where staying overnight, but myself was heading home.
A huge thanks to the staff and fans for all their help and support in 2006.