Friday ... good excuse in the bag (the girls had a consultation day... didn't have to tell, that their appointments were all before 11am) - as I was anxious to get an early start. Northampton involved the M25 and the M1... not good on a Friday early evening. As it was we slumped to barely crawling speed as we chugged up to the M3 junction.... portent of more to follow. this particular queue lasted until the after the M40 junction, only to start again at the M1 junction. This second one wormed its way through the road works at an average speed of 10 mph, and a top speed of 30 mph. So I was really pleased when we emerged out the top end and could get some ventilation into the van - the weather was very muggy, and threatening storms - of course the thunder and lightning would be provided by the band when it was show time.
The festival site itself was laid around the edges of the village football pitch, with a massive stage centered on one of the penalty areas. Surprisingly the ground was still exceedingly green without a hint of mud anywhere, which was a tribute to the groundsman.

Bob was already there and got us all organized as we arrived ... The girls and I in the horse box, followed by BH2 (still creaking from its rapid deceleration out of warp speed), Hev and Gary, and finally BH1 (there was some excuse about having to find some thing to substitute for Diamond White, which has been relegated due to poor performance).

The hospitality tent have a big surprise and rare treat ... (perculated coffee) so Stan and I were sorted for the rest of the afternoon. Meanwhile the mundane jobs filled the hours before show time ... Jay led the discussion on tactics ... which tunes should be played when, before the girls could write out the game plan. Nic held a master class in the finer arts of drum tuning.
All too soon
Cave were on the stage and it was time to get ready... the change over time was pegged at 15 mins, so we had to be ready to just position everything when the whistle blew. As Bluehorses were headlining it was a relatively smooth (but manic) operation for the change over. Once the kit was ready, it was time for the girls and I to get the cameras set.... I was going to try out the helmet cam again... taped to one of the outside legs of the tent with an excellent field of view over the stage... hopefully the footage can be married up to that from the other cameras.
After all the excitement it was time to enjoy what remained of Cave's set .. very enjoyable, not surprising when old friend of the band, Guy Fletcher, was one of them....

At 9:30 the whistle went and mad panic ensued.... but in 5 mins, the stage was clear, and a further 5 mins it was full again. that just left the line check to go.... By now I had legged it around to the sound and lighting desks in the main auditorium. A brief exchange of "pleasantries" with the sound man and we were ready to start.

As if on cue the rain started just as the show exploded on the stage, however this did not dampen the enthusiasm, as is now the norm, the band started with
Cabbage Train and then straight into
Witch in Wedlock. A few words about thinking "happy thoughts" to chase the rain away, from Lizzie and
Blackleg miner led into
Gravel Walk, and
Ostara. The rain was deterring no-one and the mosh pit was bouncing, so time for the first new tune of the night -
Raggle - which was greeted by a loud cheer.

Barbara Allen soon gave way to
Billy boy and then the massive
Hen all kicks and bounces. The lighting guy was having a ball there were shapes all over the dome of the stage tent. At one point there was an impassioned plea from the monitor engineer, as his desk at the side of the stage had vanished beneath a dense cloud of smoke!.

Night Visit and
Sitting Pretty ancient and modern lead into the finally charge.
Haslam's Bits,
Bigger Gun,
Skyclad and the irrefutable

With huge smiles the band thanked the crowd and exited, only to be called back for the inevitable
Twmbarlwm. This held one last surprise for the sound guy .. as Rhayn blasted into overdrive for his solo, the slider went the wrong way, even the dogs in the audience barked in surprise!
Superb .... fantastic and great fun....