Yet another festival, and this time its the Rockinbeer in Cambridgeshire. We were on the Sunday night, the final night of the festival playing after John Otway. Still in its early days, this festival has the makings of being a big regular festival.
I was picked up at Twyning, near Tewkesbury by Jay, Ruth and Rob at mid day, we then shot off up the M5 in a cloud of dust and Lambert and Butler smoke. The main topic for the journey was Morgues, Abattoirs and the fun to be had with body parts........and cycling. The conversation started because we were passed by a van that had the words...DEAD BODY ON BOARD.

We were first to arrive out of the BH vehicles. So, we has a quick wander around, got our passes and chilled. Not that far behind was Bluehorse One with Stan, Lizzy and Nic. Then an hour later the Furmston Clan arrived.
We had hours of time to kill, so we headed back stage to check out the arrangements. The festival had laid on free drinks and butties bless em, so we made full use of the generous offer. Myself and Rob went to investigate the beers on offer at the bar. I came away with pint of Trehafod Bowel Basher, and Rob had some Double Diamond (i think)

After checking out the stalls outside and gassing for a few hours it was time to do some work. Nics drum kit was put together in the back stage area so he could mark up his new mat.

We were lucky enough to watch a bit of John Otway who was superb live. Total nutter, but one hell of a performer. Managed to have a quick natter with him later.....sound bloke.

Bluehorses were introduced on stage by Pandora from Radio Caroline. When she finished, the band roared into Cabbage Train, followed on by Witch In Wedlock.

From the front it sounded very loud and meaty, and the impressive lighting system looked great. It was a large stage, so the band had room to wonder around.

Billy Boy, Blackleg both kept the dancing crowd sweaty, but Hoedown Reel really raised the temperature to boiling point.
The band themselves were having a blast. The crowd where all getting into it, with a few cases of head banging going on at the front.

NightVisit, Gravel Walk and the amazing Ostara kept the pace going and the crowd loved it. Old Haslams Bits never fails to kick arse. Next up was Barbara Allen....a long time classic.

Bigger Gun and of course the mighty Skyclad brought the main part of the set to an end. The crowd were gagging for more, and then Pandora came onstage again to call the band out for one more song, and so they did much to the delight of the festival crowd. The band then finished off with Twmballwm.

A great gig, and the crowd loved it and so did we. It was a great pleasure to play to such a wonderful crowd who knew how to have a good time.
The kit had to be rushed off stage very quickly for the next band on. We grabbed all we could, the drum kit was wheeled off and that was it. We had out stuff off in under 10 mins. As one kit was wheeled off the next was pushed on, and with both bands haing loads of gear it seemed it might get a bit messy, but everyoe pulled together and just got the job done.

The band then all went out front to a very large crowd of people wanting to meet the band and get autographs.....cool. the people were lovely and its always a pleasure for the band to say hello and have a chat.
We were all driving back, so beers were avoided by all, but the free coffee was taken advantage of. We packed the gear up and piled it up by the loading bay doors then chilled.

It was a sunday night, we all had to get back home, and myself and Rob both had work in the morning, and here we were, still in Cambridgshire at 1am. Mike and family were heading off to France the moment they left the festival site.....nutters.

The whole day was a blast. We had to search Lizzy several times just in case oe of the puppies from the back somehow made it in to her back pack, but she was on her best behaviour.
I must thank all the staff at the Rockinbeer Festival, they couldnt have been more helpfull and supportive. They made a fantastic job of laying on this festival, it was very well organised and a pleasure to go to.
Organisation backstage was superb, the staff were lovely and helped with the gear. They were short staffed, but still did all they could to help us.
Hev and Rob also deserve big hugs as well for dealing with the swarm of punters out to buy stuff....yet again, the album sold out.
Katie and Steph also get a big hug for looking fter the camcorders during the set.
Thats really it, the last festival of the season, and what a wonderful way to end it.