Andy's Montreux (2006)
Any Bluehorses gig for me is a special event. I always feel like a little kid on Chrimlodle Eve prior to the gig. So when two dates for Montreux where finally confirmed i was foaming at the mouth. The booking was down to the work of TP, who lives down the road from Montreux. So a big thanks to TP. The logistics of such a trip would seem quite big. Nine people, two vehicles and instruments all needed booking on the ferry, accommodation had to be found. Thanks to Mike Furmston this was all done with great ease, and some good deals on the bookings that saved us all some major hassle, and saved the Bluehorses accounts a bashing. In fact, it has to be said, Mike was just worth his weight in gold. With experience in travelling in this area, Mike made the entire a trip a trouble free event. He never lets the band down, and as always, does a fantastic job within the ranks.
THURDAY 6TH JULYWe all met at East Moorings (Châteaux Furmston) in the leafy Sussex countryside. It made more sense for us all to stay at Mikes and all set off together for the early ferry. Its always a pleasure to meet Sue, Katie and Steph again. The plan of an early night soon went as the talking kicked up a gear. It was some silly time in the morning when we finally crashed out. Only two vehicles where going, Mikes and mine. Mine was the appointed smokers vehicle The band were travelling lighter than normal, the festival were providing drum kit and amps, so, this cut down the weight and amount of kit needed in a major way.
It was a two hour trip to Dunkirk, so, plenty of time for breakfast, wondering on deck and resting before the long drive ahead of us.

The first hour of driving was pretty dull, the scenery was flat, so there want really that much to look at. We soon had a quick pit stop because i was low on fuel. No more than a few mins break before pressing on again. We had a proper break at Reims (i think it was here) at a supermarket the size of the N.E.C. We had to take it in turns, so there was always somebody looking after the vehicles and gear. Nibbles were stocked up, coffee was flowing and fuel tanks filled up to the brim, then off again. At this point, it seemed like we had been at it all day, and we were still only a quarter of the way. It was now very hot, and the late night was taking its toll a bit, but everybody was in high spirits and enjoying every moment.
It was actually nice to drive on motorways that were empty, unlike back home, no traffic and no speed cameras.
A few more quick breaks were made, and drivers changed over. As it started to get dark we started to get into some really scenic areas, the hills became mountains, and we seemed to be driving up hill forever. We were all extremely relieved to finally see Annemasse. Mike found the hotel straight away. We stayed in a hotel called Formula One, a cheap, basic hotel, but it was clean, comfy and just what we needed. It looked unusual friom the outside, but inside it was just like a Travel Lodge. It was late evening, and we were all glad to have finally made it to the town of Annamasse near Geneva without any problems.

By the time we were settled, myself and Jay were wide awake....not good. So we went on a 1am tour of the area to sight see and look for some decent fags.
All of us woke up early, packed up and went on our way. Again the weather was lovely. We drove along the southern part of the lake via Evian (bottled water). The views were amazing. The drive over the border into Switzerland at St Gingolph (i think it was here) was trouble free, they just smiles and waved at checks. The first thing to do was to find the accomadation. We were staying accomadation owned by a Swiss Catering School. It was waaaaay up a mountain. Very steep and hairpin turns all the way up but the views were just out of this world.
We stopped for coffee and a light lunch at Caux which was up the mountain only a couple of mins away from where we were staying. From here, Nic and Mike went to book us in and collect the keys.....we drank more coffee while waiting for them...well, didnt want to be rude did we?
The accomadation was fantastic. None of your average UK tat, this was first class stuff. Lizzie, Hev and Ruth had the top floor room, with a balcony overlooking Montreux. Top hotels would charge a fortune for this kind of room. In a year or two, when the band have accomplished world domination, all the gigs will be like this. It was fantastic. We had to wait for the keys for the other rooms, but there was a delay, so we chilled out looking at the view, drinking and gassing. We were extremely happy dudes.

We finally got the keys, then headed off back into you do . Traffic was a bit busy, but it was Festival time after all. We had to find the venue, so we knew were we needed to be later. Venue was found and the gear was locked away in storage container behind the stage. Mike and myself were then escorted to the festival parking area to leave the vehicles. There was still a bit of time left for few beers....well, it was hot. We sat outside in the sun having a few beers at the same time Lizzy n Nic went over the set list for that nights gig.
We went back to the stage while the previous bands were still playing. When they finished, the Bluehorses machine kicked into action, as always, the gear was set up at a rapid rate. Nic was using a kit provided by the festival, as was the amps, and keyboards. The stage itself was huuuuuge. Loads of room to move about. It was on the side of the lake, the area was surrounded with stalls, and merchandise stands.
THE GIG - La Rouvenaz
Not only did the band have no idea what to expect tonight....neither did the crowd. This was a first for the band playing here, so there was that to consider, and also the language barrier. However, as always, good music crosses all barriers, and thats what happened tonight. There was a fare sized crowd to star off with, but a few tracks into the set and the place was heaving out there.
The band where intrduced on stage in French, and just before the stage manager finished the word Bluehorses Nic had started on the cymbals and that was it......the Montreux crowd were intoduced to the Bluehorses sound in the only way the band no yer face, as Cabbage Train opened the evenings onslaught. Wide open mouths stared back at them....the look of amazement filled the festival area. Without pausing for a breath Witch In Wedlock was screaming out of the speakers. It was loud and sounded really good.
Billy Boy gave the crowd a chance to hear some Bluehorses groove, and the Montreux crowd where now lapping it up. At this point, there was already people heading over to Hev (with her " i only speak English- sorry"badge) to check out the Bluehorses goodies.
Mike was in with the sound guys at the back filming, and i was all over the place filming and taking pics. Rob as ever looked well chilled, its sooo good to see him playing live again. There was a bit of a breeze, so, his set list was weighted down with beers....and that was the only reason the beers were there.......honest.
Dya, Blackleg, Black Is The Colour and Gravel Walk soon followed. By now there was a frenzy over by the stall. The crowd, despite any problems with language were going nutts over the band. Vivaldi certainly impressed. Dark Circle, Barbara Allen and Bigger Gun kept up the onslaught. By now the band owned the crowd. Lizzy who looked as gorgious as ever had them in the palm of her hand (oo er). Jay was jumping around like a man possesed and really giving a great performance, and Nic was as solid as ever. Mad Tom, Night Visit, and the mighty Skyclad finished off the main set.
There was no way this crowd was going to let them get away that they came back on and did Twmballwm and finished off to huge cheers and a standing crowd who just loved every second of the bands performance.
By the time the band had finished the main set, one large box of DVDs had beel sold, and every copy of the Ten Leagues album was sold.....thats how much Montreux loved the Bluehorses. Victory was theirs.
After the gig, Mike and me jumped on a tram to get to the vehicles. We we didnt take long getting back. The gear was already down and sat by the road side waiting for us to return. We went straight back to the accomadation for beers, coffee and to chill out. Again another late night was had with some waffling.
Breakfast was provided by the festival. An endless supply of fruit juices, cereals and fresh baked bread, and a free coffee machine was a treat. Over coffee plans for the day were made. It was also Robs birthday as well. Nic, Lizzy, Hev, Rob and myself went on the mountain train. We had to wait for 45 mins for the next one, so, since the station was alongside the cafe we visited on the way on thefirst day, we sat and chilled over coffee. It was a great trip up, and the views of the Alps were breath taking. I thought Scotland and Wales where amazing, but this was something else.

We eventually got back to Montreux via the same mountain train We then walked along the lake to the festival car parking area to meet up with the others. Then a drive over to TP's place for drinks. From here, as time was ticking by, we shot off to get ready for the evenings gigs. We were playing in a park next to the Santana concert in the main hall. This site had a more pro stge, but access was a a bit of a challenge.. Around the stage area there were beer tents and food stalls, and a marquee full of people watching the World Cup Final.

unlike last night, the Bluehorses were not headlining, the band after were. So, tonights set was slightly shorter. This was ok by us, it would give us a chance to just sit and chill after the set, and get some food afterwards. Despite the Santana concert next door, and it being the World Cup Final, the venue was chocker. Many people had come again having seen the band play last night. There were even a hardy few that actually left the marquee half way through the fottlyboddloe and came down to watch because they could hear just how good the band where. Another victory in the making.
The crowd again loved it all. It was another superb show, and the band proved that despite any language barriers, decent music and a profesional performance were all you need. The bands gear was taken down in record time. We then chilled out back stage and just drank cold beers. Many people were coming up for autographs....perfect. TP was helping out on the stall and did a fine job as well.
Mike and myself had to brave the total nutters racing up and down Montreux blasting their horns and waving flags due to the result of the World Cup. We collected the vehicles, and went back for the others. We loaded up in record time, and headed back to the accomadtion and headed straight for the breakfast room to chill out, natter and have a few beers. It was another great gig, and the band did themselves proud.
We didnt want to hang about today, we had a massive journey home...longer than the one on the way down, because we were driving straight back, with no stop over on the way. So, breakfast was scoffed, the lovley people running the accomadation even provided extra food to take with us.

Mike decided to go back the scenic route via northern part of the lake, then cutting accross through some of the coolest scenery. We stopped off at the same supermarket as we did on the way in for a decent was needed at this point. We got to Dunkirk around 9.15pm, the ferry departed at 10pm. When we got on board we headed straight for the lounge to relax, rest....and of course drink coffee. It was sooooo nice to get out of the car. Arriving back in Dover was trouble free. A small delay due to everybody else trying to get out as well. The fog came down as soon as we climbed out of Dover.
It was still another couple of hours drive to Mikes place. We then sorted everyones kit out, re loaded the vehicles then attacked Mikes kettle with a vengance. Everybody was shattered, Hev, Jay n Ruth stayed over at Mikes, but the rest of us made our way home despite the long trip. 1679 mile i did.
I eventaully got home at 5am......i was shattered, but it was good to be home to the dogs.
Theres no point thanking everybody individually because we all did our bit, and we all pulled together to make this experience a total success. Everybody who was there deserves a pat on the back, but..........Mike Furmston has to have a gold star for helping make this trip 10 times easier than it could have been.
This was one of the best experiences of my life. It was more than a adventure and two gigs. It was spending time with the people i love to bits, and sharing the adventure with these wondefull friends made it magical.
The band achieved what they set out to do....and that was take Montreux by storm. They made a serious amount of new fans and showed what first class live band from the UK can do.
Now, its coming up to August, and three big festivals to play........the story continues...............

This picture is by Daddy TP