The first gig of 2006 ...... Tavistock and Devon do the band proud!
I was not sure what to expect here, never having been before - its a long way from home - but I was assured there would be a warm welcome. I was also concerned that so soon after Krimblydoddle many people may be on the austerity bit and minding the pennies - well if they were it did not show, and the latecomers had to search for a place to stand.
The night was also going to be different as the band were to play two sets with an interval ... something I had never witnessed them doing before - mind you it did give the audience time to shuffle around a bit, and cut down on the mid set migration to the bar.
The set followed very similar lines from last year .. opening with Cabbage Train which allows everyone to warm up gently before charging off into Witch in Wedlock. This highlighted how many new fans had turned up ... there were very few hands in the air during the counting - may have to get some corriograpy sheets made up and passed around. This was actually very pleaseing to see and does show that the fan base is expanding
Blackleg Miner followed keeping up the brisk pace,before cooling as they settled into Gravel Walk, as Baby Blue - the harp made it first appearance, it reminded me of a conversation overheard before the start .........
Two blokes watching the promo for the Live DVD shot at Saul Festival last year, which was playing on a big screen to get everyone in the mood and also to show off all its glory
1 - What's that then?
2 - Dunno - looks like a harp
1 - Can't be ... thems really big, thats just a small thing.
2 - has to be, .. never heard of a Rock band having one
1 - Not bad thoughBlack is the Colour moved into Mad Tom after some pantomime practice. By now even the reticent, were moving around unable to keep still. Next up was Ostara/ Morrisons with a gentle build to to full on mosh. Extra percussion was provided by Jay during the latter part - Hios new gig trousers were festooned with metal which jingled with every step, couple this with a large pair of New Rocks thumping on the stage. Jumping up and down added a differnet dimension to the accompanyment
Last song before the interval Billy Boy and the mandostrat was out.. three youngsters just behind me went off with very un Goth like Oooohhhs, and "sweet" - I suspect that there will be some changes to the wish list after this.
All too soon the interval arrived and great effort was taken to avoid the stampede towards the bar.
So the second half started with the slow wind-up introduction to Barbara Allen which kinda got the crowd going again in a gentle sort of way. However buy the time Lizzie and Jay were exchanging licks in the middle we (in the crowd) were back at full throttle. The pace continued as the band charged into Bigger Gun which highlighted again the need for more 'old timers' to come forward and show the newbies the moves.
Sitting Pretty - vying for the oldest track of the night- maybe Mr Neddy could confirm - brought a sea of hands clapping in the air (after some prompting from Jay and Nat).
Lizzie introduced the next track -Crow on the Cradle - as one heard at Saul, from a performance by a local hero - Phil Beer - as part of the Show of Hands set. I hope that when he gets to hear this version, that he agrees with me when he answers Lizzie's question. Following on was another "borrowed" track, this time from Last Night's Fun - Night Visit - once again the "horsed up" version went down a storm with the audience.
The second set finished with the the barnstorming title track from the current EP - Skyclad - and the band left the stage to the thunderous applause from the audience.
After a suitable wait, they were back, while the other band members were sorting out their instruments Lizzie asked how many of the crowd were wearing New Rocks - a brand of boot I am told - a lonesome hand went up from the front of the crowd, however one of three young un's near me was overheard
Damn, damn ... they are at home
next time they will be out of the cupboard as it is cool to wear them
before the laughter had died down we were into Vivaldi - brings back memories of Curved Air, but not sure they could deliver the power of this. then into the traditional finale with teh introductions and leading into that great jam session otherwise known as Twmbarlwm
Then all too soon it was over, the crowd spilling out for one last drink at the bar, and the checking out the merchandise stall. As usual the band was on hand for signing duties.
There were many happy faces that night in Tavistock, including mine