Its raining, its dark, the traffic has tailed back in long queues and there are road works on the one way system. Welcome to Derby on a Friday night near Krimblydoddle. Luckily I had some time in hand, having cancelled my mythical afternoon meeting in Sheffield, and arrived at the car park, before anyone else.
Next up was the removals van with all the fancy dress costumes, prizes for this and the next gigs, along with the gear stacked in one small corner. We had emptied the van and set-up the gear on stage, and most things were wired for sound when bluehorse 2 made re-entry at the second attempt - there was a minor delay immediately prior to landing due to brain failure - could not remember the right road. Jay had just filed a land speed record from Cardiff to Derby, after picking Rob up from work.
Sound check done and dusted, and things calmed down. We were all discussing the various merits of the different costumes, what should go under a kilt, and trying to remember which sumptuous accommodation we were heading for afterwards - it was in the area, but the exact location was unknown at this point.
My usual assistants were not available to run the cameras this time as the teleport device was not available and they could not get time off for good behaviour during the afternoon to travel up. This meant we were working with 2 fixed and one operated, and also meant that I had to remember to set them recording just before the start, and also change tapes half way - did prove to be interesting.
Having done my rounds and set all the cameras, I settled down stage right just as the band came out to a rapturous shout. Straight into Cabbage train and we knew the evening had started.
Witches, D'Ya, Billy Boy, Ostara, Haslam's followed swiftly and we were soon at my next cue ..... Skyclad. This was my prompt to dive through the crowd to the first of the cameras and change the tape. The same process after Night Visit with the second camera, then the final one after Sitting Pretty.
Then the big ramp for the finale .. (fill in when I remember)Gravel Walk , leading into Hoedown, and all too soon it was end of the main part.
Back on for the encores, it was also time to dish out prizes for the fancy dress.. mainly kilt wearers this time around - Rach got the first prize - I think i was because she was the only one who admitted to being "commando"
The crowd insistently yelled out for more, so the band came back with Dark Circle and finished up with the usual Twmbarlwm. All too
soon the house lights were on and there were people to catch up with.
Soon after midnight we had everything piled back in the van and we were off to find a bed, a swift coffee and we were all claiming tiredness and looking to be pushing out the "Zzz"s - Rock n Roll lifestyle
....... to be continued at Winchester